Dealing with pain is hard and scary, and vulnerability often requires risk. We get that.

At RTS, we strive to provide a level of care that enables everyone who walks through our doors to be better equipped to live the life they were meant for. Firmly grounded in hope and compassion, we exist for all people to thrive and experience wholeness in mind, body, and spirit.

Risk believing you are worthy. Risk discovering true renewal, true transformation, true shalom.
Doctor With Record
  • `20+ years of excellence
  • 24 Hours Medical Service
  • Multi Speciality Hospital
  • Professional Experts
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Certified Experts

The RTS Difference

The way we perceive ourselves, our relationships, and the world around us is often influenced by our past experiences. Just like a car requires maintenance for stability and longevity, our minds need to be cared for. Our approach to cognitive behavioral therapy is widely used and highly effective, ensuring you experience the renewal you’re looking for.

We believe that transformation comes from within, starting with a fresh perspective that leads to healthier life choices. When we are open to vulnerability - sharing our cognitive and emotional experiences - it can lead to lasting inward change. Uncover the ongoing transformation you deserve with restored belief about yourself, your relationships, and your world.

The world we live in is, unfortunately, full of uncertainty and chaos. How do we experience peace in the midst of it all? Shalom is a well-being that exists regardless of circumstance. Complete wholeness. Through the renewal of your mind and the transformation of your perspective, we believe you can step into true, long-lasting shalom.


Are you ready to start your journey?

Whether you are looking for someone to meet with one-on-one or someone to help you navigate the complexities of relationships and families, RTS is here for you.
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